Rachmaninov was notoriously self-critical. ‘I’m perpetually dissatisfied with myself. Nothing but continuous torture’ he wrote just before he created one of the most thrilling of all works for piano and orchestra, his Third Concerto. Full of passion and beauty, this is an Everest of the pianist’s repertoire, and finds its ideal soloist in Konstantin Shamray.
Humperdinck’s Hansel and Gretel is one of the world’s most popular operas, and the orchestral suite conveys beautifully the luminous charm of the score, from the beloved Evening Prayer to the joyous music with which the children celebrate their victory over the witch.
The concert opens with a powerful exploration of the myths and legends surrounding the most magnetic of all naturally occurring minerals found on Earth. British composer Emily Howard’s, contemporary orchestral classic receives its Australian premiere.
Program to include
EMILY HOWARDMagnetite [Australian Premiere]
HUMPERDINCKHansel and Gretel (Suite)
RACHMANINOVPiano Concerto No.3